“Our castle shall become your castle”
Friends Association of Thun Castle
The Friends Association support Thun Castle. They assist to maintain the Museum Castle and to enlarge the collection so that it develops contemporarily and attractively. Help us and become a member with a minimal annual contribution of CHF 50.- and benefit from various members advantages.
Your advantages as a member:
- You benefit from free entrance in the Museum of the Castle and then once a year you can even invite a further person to a trip to the museum.
- You will receive the annual report, which is full of illustrations and interesting information about the history of the region, free of charge.
- You will receive a special discount when renting the Grand Hall for private events.
- You can take part in an annually occurring cultural event.
Aims of the Friends Association:
- Acquisition of financial means for the purchase and restoration of very precious items for the Exhibition
- Information of the public about the historical, cultural and touristic value of the Museum of the Castle
- Active support of events for adults and children in and around the castle.
- Acquisition of copies of historical items, that enable children to touch and experience living history.
The current organigram of the Friends Association:
President Daniel Bähler, Thun Treasurer Roger Hunziker, Steffisburg Barbara Cadisch-Wolf, Thun Guntram Knauer, Thun Simon Schweizer, Münsingen Anna Christina Loosli, Thun Karin Rohrbach, Belp
Friends Association of Thun Castle, Schlossberg 1, 3600 Thun, foerderverein@schlossthun.ch, T +41 (0)33 223 20 01, PC 30-39529-2