About us
The Team
Director of the museum:
Yvonne Wirth
Director’s assistent
Heidi Frenzer
Medea Vögeli
Technical equipment
and installation:
Jürg Schmocker, Teilzeit
Josy Luginbühl
Staff education
and meditation
Timo Bütler
Patricia Dürr
Martin Erb
Joachim Flach
Joelle Graber-Pesonen
Anna Michelle Hintz
Nicole Hirschi
Sonja Karrer
Eva Klaus
Felicitas Lehner
Cynthia Marti
Tessa Schaap
Jasmin Schneider
Medea Vögeli
Adrian Willi
Janitorial services:
Roxana Gutierrez
Visitor’s service:
Elsbeth Aebersold
Patricia Dürr
Sarah Eisenhut
Mischa Gobeli
Anna Michelle Hintz
Franziska Kühni
Jessica Manga
Vanessa Reber
Brigitte Rohrbach